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Alabama's soil, water and human resources allow the state to be among the national leaders in several aquaculture enterprises both in volume and value of products sold. More...
Aquaculture News 
Production of Crawfish in Alabama

Crayfish are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. In the United States, Louisiana is famous for its Cajun cuisine of which crayfish or "crawfish" is a traditional element. Outside Louisiana and a few other southeastern states, crawfish are generally hard to find in the marketplace, and most people do not know how to cook them. However, once people have sampled these delicious crustaceans, they usually want more.
Surveys suggest that many markets exist for crawfish that are not being met by the current supply. Crawfish farming has just begun in Alabama, but markets have already been identified that cannot be satisfied at current production levels. Crawfish production may be an alternative enterprise that can increase income on some Alabama farms. more...