Picture of David Russell
Map of employee responsibility

David Russell

Assistant Extension Professor
Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences

Program Areas:
Agronomic Crops; Animal Sciences & Forages

Geographic Area of Responsibility:

Extension Office:
Tennessee Valley Regional Res & Ext Center

P.O. Box 159
Belle Mina, AL 35615

Mobile: (601) 757-5663
What is 9 - 1 ?

Specialty Areas: Weed management in corn, soybean, small grains, forage/pasture, non-crop and highway ROWs; Invasive plants management; Cover crops for weed management; Weed biology and ecology

Credentials: PhD in Weed Science; MS in Agronomy; Bachelor of Landscape Architecture; BS in Landscape Contracting

Please contact Jackson Faulk in ACES HR if updates are required to addresses, phone numbers, or other personnel information.