Picture of Mark Smith
Map of employee responsibility

Mark Smith

Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Program Areas:
Forestry, Wildlife & Natural Resources (Coordinator)

Geographic Area of Responsibility:

Extension Office:
Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment Faculty and Staff

3301 Forestry and Wildlife Science Bldg.
Auburn University, AL 36849

Office: (334) 844-8099
Mobile: (334) 332-4833
Fax: (334) 844-1084
What is 9 - 2 ?

Specialty Areas: Human-wildlife conflicts; Wild pig damage management; Game and non-game species population and habitat management

Credentials: PhD in Forest Resources; MS in Fisheries and Wildlife; BS in Wildlife and Fisheries; W. Kelly Mosley Environmental Professor; The Wildlife Society Fellow

Please contact Jackson Faulk in ACES HR if updates are required to addresses, phone numbers, or other personnel information.