Wesley Anderson
Assistant Professor and Extension SpecialistForestry and Wildlife Sciences
Program Areas:
Forestry, Wildlife & Natural Resources
Geographic Area of Responsibility:
Extension Office:
Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment Faculty and Staff
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Auburn University, AL 36849
Office: (334) 844-9233
Mobile: (334) 750-9458
Email: Get address
Specialty Areas: Human-wildlife conflicts; Snake identification and safety; Nongame wildlife conservation; Reptiles and amphibians; Environmental education; Citizen science
Credentials: PhD in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida; MS in Wildlife, Aquatic and Wildlands Science and Management, Texas Tech University; BS in Biology, Davidson College
Please contact Jackson Faulk in ACES HR if updates are required to addresses, phone numbers, or other personnel information.