
(plus Hex Tables, Electronics Notations and Resistor Color Codes)

ADC: Analog to Digital Converter

A/D: Analog to Digital

AFR : Air Fuel Ratio (sometimes written as A/F) - ideal ratio of 14.7:1 gives low emissions and acceptable drivability and economy. A lower ratio (11:1) would be "rich" and a higher ratio (16:1) "lean".

ALDL : Assembly Line Diagnostic Link - The connector under the dash on GM cars. It can be used to dump diagnostic information from the ECM, but requires special equipment to use.

BDC : Bottom Dead Center

BLM : Block Learn Multiplier - the factor which is "learned" to adjust fuel mixture. See Thrasher's "gem" mentioned on the main page here.

BP : Barometric Pressure

BPW : Base Pulse Width - the calculated length of the pulse, or "on-time" of the fuel injector before any "tweaking" for minor inputs such as air temperature.

C3I (aka DIS) : Computer Controlled Coil Ignition system.

CAN : Controller Area Network. A proposed network protocol for automotive use outside the US. The US proposal is SAE standard J1859, aka OBD.

CDI : Capacitive Discharge Ignition. See myfaq.

CE : Check Engine - dashboard light (same as SES) letting you know the car has a problem and also used to flash out diagnostic codes stored by the ECM.

CFI : Crossfire Fuel Injection - an intake manifold utilizing 2 diagonally mounted throttle bodies (model 300s?), hence it's another TBI injection system. The twin 300s together are called the model 400.

CFI : Central Fuel Injection - a FoMoCo designation. Similar to GM's TBI injection system.

CFI : Continuous mechanical Fuel Injection - yet another injection system. This one used on Volvos.

Crossings : the number of times the O2 sensor switches across stoich. It is a measure of closed loop system performance.

CTS : Coolant Temp Sensor

CYA : Cover Your A**

DAC : Digital to Analog Converter

DERM : Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module. Airbag box, separate from PCM. Stores codes, crash event data, retains power to ignite air bag when battery power is lost (ref Shannen Durphey -- DIY_EFI email on 14 Jun 1998).

DIS (aka C3I) : Distributorless Ignition System

EEC : Evaporative Emission Control system - a method of purging fuel vapors (don't tell the Ford faithful whose EFI controller is known as the EEC-IV or EEC-V)

ECM : Electronic Control Module (other manufacturers call this an ECU or Electronic Control Unit) - the engine management computer.

EGO : Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor

EGR : Exhaust Gas Recirculation - use to reduce emissions and increase economy supposedly

EGT : Exhaust Gas Temperature

EPROM : Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory - this is the replaceable memory chip which contains fuel and spark information and allows one ECM to be used in various applications.

ESC : Electronic Spark Control - aka Retard Signal. Used to retard the timing when detonation (knock) is detected.

EST : Electronic Spark Timing

FUBAR : F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition

HEI : High Energy Ignition

IAC : Idle Air Control - (a controlled vacuum leak) A stepper motor controlled by the ECM. It determines how much air gets through to the engine when the throttle is at idle. The ECM controls it to maintain a programmed idle speed.

IAT : Intake Air Temperature. Similar (equivalent?) to MAT.

ION :  A patented (by Saab) method for detecting "knock" or misfire in an engine by measuring a current across the sparkplug electrode known as an ionization current. See ION.

ISCV : Idle Speed Control Valve

MAF : Mass Air Flow (sensor) - an alternative to MAP. This measures actual airflow into the engine and thus doesn't need to make any calculations based on VE.

MAP : Manifold Air Pressure (sensor) - a vacuum gauge. BPW fueling is primarily computed from this input on cars so equipped. Another alternative would be MAF.

MAT : Manifold Air Temperature - if it's different from IAT I don't know how. The '7747 doesn't use either. :)

MCU : MicroController Unit (eg. 68HC11) - the processor on which the computer is based

MPFI: Multi-Port Fuel Injection (see MPI)

MPI : Multi-Port Injection - generic name for any of the port injection systems (as opposed to TBI systems)

O2 (see also EGO) : Typical slang referring to the Oxygen sensor

OBD = On Board Diagnostics. Mandated in the US, this forces auto manufacturers to use common protocols and connectors for automotive diagnostics.

OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer

PLCC : Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier

PPM : Pulse Per Mile - in reference to VSS

PWM : Pulse Width Modulator

RPM : Revolutions Per Minute - typically sensed by a sensor in the distributor or on the crankshaft.

SAE : Society of Automotive Engineers

SBC : Single Board Computer or Small Block Chevy

Scantool : A piece of test equipment which plugs into the ALDL and displays Trouble Codes and other information helpful for servicing of the ECM.

SD : Speed density. An FI technique where the amount of air entering the engine is calculated from engine RPM, MAP, and a pre-calculated volumetric efficiency for the engine.

SES : Service Engine Soon light - aka "Check Engine" light

SFI : Sequential Fuel Injection - injectors are fired in ignition firing order for maximum performance and economy.

SNAFU : Situation Normal..all f***ed up.

SOL : Sh** Outta Luck

TBI : Throttle Body Injection - basically a fully electronic computer controlled carburetor

TCC : Torque Converter Clutch - a lockup mechanism for improved economy and performance

TDC : Top Dead Center. Piston at the top of the cylinder.

TPI : Tuned Port Injection - intake manifold and EFI system used on Camaros and Corvettes especially

TPS : Throttle Position Sensor. Tells the ECM how "open" the throttle is.

VE : Volumetric Efficiency - the ratio of the amount of air going into an engine to the volume displaced by the movement of the pistons

VIN : Vehicle Identification Number - needed when using the scantool

VSS : Vehicle Speed Sensor - one type is the 2000ppm unit.

Hex Table

Computers Use Binary (Hex) codes. The EPROM in your Delco ECM is no different.Fire up the ole' calculator in Windoze and check the appropriate box if you don't believe the following table.
Dec Hex Binary
0 0 0000
1 1 0001
2 2 0010
3 3 0011
4 4 0100
5 5 0101
6 6 0110
7 7 0111
8 8 1000
9 9 1001
10 A 1010
11 B 1011
12 C 1100
13 D 1101
14 E 1110
15 F 1111

VIN Codes

Digit description meaning
1   1 = USA 
2   G = General Motors
3 Division 2 = Pontiac
3 = Olds
? = Chevy
4 car line F = F-body
5 series S = Firebird
W = Trans Am
6 body type 2 = two door hatchback
7 restraint code 1 = manual belts
3 = manual belt w/ air bag
4 = auto belts
8 engine code T = LHO V6 mpfi
F = LB9 V8 TPI
8 = L98 V8 TPI
E = LO3 V8 TBI
9 Checksum (calculated)
10 year 1990 = L
1991 = M
11 Plant Code (many)
12-17 sequence number  
(ref Randy Braun -- DIY_EFI email on 13 Jun 1998).

Motorola or S19 format

It is an ascii file (so it is readable by any text editor) which represents the binary (or hex) file.
By way of explanation, there are three forms of S record formats (that I'm aware of). There's S1/9, S2/8 and S3/7. The difference between the three is in the size of the address field: for S1/9 it's 2 bytes, S2/8 is 3 bytes and S3/7 is 4 bytes. Here's how the format breaks down:
S1 Leadin marking it as S record and the size of the address field
nn Number of bytes (hex) for the rest of the record - i.e. expect 2*nn characters and nn-3 data bytes in the rest of record
aaaa Address for the first data byte in this record
xx Pairs of ASCII hex digits for each data byte
cc Last two digits are the twos compliment checksum based on a modulo 256 hex addition of all the bytes in the record including the count and address fields (i.e. add all the bytes, take the low order two digits and subtract from FF).
The reason for calling this S1/9 rather than just S1 is that the S9 record is optional, but if provided it is by convention the last record in the group and defines the start address of the code that's been downloaded.
The .S16 extension is probably the S1/9 format as that has the 16 bit address field (4 digits), it's not the same as .BIN (binary) or .HEX (Intel hex) (ref Gus Cameron -- DIY_EFI email Apr 1998).

Electronics Notations

C Capacitor
CR Diode
J I/O Connector
Q Transistor
R Resistor
U Integrated Circuit (IC)
IC chip pinouts are numbered counterclockwise with pin 1 starting to the left of the chips dent (for lack of a better term, its the semicircle cutout at one end of the chip)

Resistor Color Codes

First and Second
Color Band
(digits one & two)
Third Color Band
Fourth Color Band
Black 0
Brown 1
Red 2
Orange 3
Yellow 4
Green 5
Blue 6
Violet 7
Gray 8
White 9
Black x1
Brown x10
Red x100
Orange x1k
Yellow x10k
Green x100k
Blue x1Meg
Silver /100
Gold /10
Gold 5%
Silver 10%
None 20%