WIN-PAUSE brings up system proprties Win-F Find files or folders Win-M Minimize all windows Win-E Windows Explorer (file manager) Win-R Run program prompt Activate the menu bar in programs F10 or ALT Carry out the corresponding command on the menu ALT + underlined letter in menu Close the current window in Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs. CTRL+F4 Close the current window or quit a program ALT+F4 Copy the selected item CTRL+C Cut the selected item CTRL+X Paste the selected item CTRL+V Delete the selected item DELETE Undo CTRL+Z Display Help on the selected dialog box item F1 Display the current window's system menu ALT+SPACEBAR Display the shortcut menu for the selected item SHIFT+F10 Display the Start menu CTRL+ESC Display the system menu for MDI programs ALT+HYPHEN (-) Switch to the window you last used (Switch between windows by holding down ALT while repeatedly pressing TAB.) ALT+TAB