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Aerial Mode of Application - General Information
Please note: Aerial Application is required as part of other Commercial Pesticide Categories. This is not a stand alone permit. If you are looking for more information regarding Permits that require Aerial Application testing see: Agricultural Pest Control - Plant Permit, Aquatic Pest Control Permit, Forest Pest Control Permit, Public Health Permit, and Right of Way Permit. You will find these categories require a Mode of Application Test (Aerial or Ground Equipment). Relevant study material for this testing is incorporated into those category study manuals.
Click on the text to link to PFD's, materials and forms. When necesary the link will bring you to the deparment of Ag Website or to the ACES Store to purchase manuals.
Name |
# of Questions |
Cost Of Exam |
Aerial Equipment |
50 |
$75.00 |
In addition to testing at the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries in Montgomery, Computer-based testing is available on a weekly basis at eight testing sites in the state of Alabama. Cost of exams for this method is $125.00 per exam. You may sign up to take the online exams by visiting http://apply.adaitesting.com; once approved, you will receive an approval email from the Alabama Department of Agriculture. |
Study Material Required
Aerial Pesticide Application Manual ANR-0436 |
80-1-13 Sales and Use of Pesticides |
Chapter 27 Title 2 Code of Alabama 1975 |
Requirements and Other Forms
Visit the Alabama Department of Ag and Industries website for more information related to training, test dates, and any additional requirements needed to become certified.
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