- Pictures of Hessian Fly
- Pictures of Hessian Fly Damaged Wheat
- Hessian Fly Biology and Life Cycle at Various Locations
- Effect of Hessian Fly on Wheat Yield
- Resistance of Wheat Varieties to Hessian Fly
- Effectiveness of Hessian Fly Resistance Genes
- Agronomic Practices That Affect Hessian Fly Populations
- Seed Treatments
- Foliar Insecticides
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Resistance of Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties to Hessian Fly
Varieties differ in their resistance to Hessian fly. Over time Hessian flies can overcome the resistance gene that has been bred into a wheat variety. Therefore, plant breeders are continually working to incorporate new genes for Hessian fly into soft red winter wheat. A variety may be resistant to Hessian flies in one part of a state, yet susceptible in another. For that reason, it is best to consult the information that is available for your state.
2016 Summary of Resistant and Susceptible Varieties
2016 Hessian fly variety tests, Prattville, Fairhope, and Crossville, AL
2015 Hessian fly variety tests, Prattville and Fairhope, AL
2013 Hessian fly variety tests, Prattville and Fairhope AL
2013 On-Farm Hessian fly variety test, Sumter County, AL
See pages 23-26 in 2012-2013 Alabama Wheat Production Guide
2012 On-farm Variety Test, Central Alabama
Summary of Hessian Fly Variety Tests, 2009-2011
See the Insect Report in Small Grains Performance Tests, 1997-present
North Carolina
NC State University Variety Performance and Recommendations
Virginia Cooperative Extension Small Grains in 2012