Livestock and Poultry

Byproduct Feed Quick Reference Guide

Nutrient Composition of Byproduct Feeds

The nutrient composition of byproducts varies widely. The following table is a general guideline for understanding feed composition, but a feed analysis should be requested to more accurately determine feed value for your situation:

Table 1. Nutrient Composition of Byproduct Feeds

Feed Type† DM, % TDN, % CP, % Ca, % P, %

†Adapted from NRC (1996) and Preston (2014) Feed Composition Tables;  ‡DM, dry matter; TDN, total digestible nutrients; CP, crude protein; Ca, calcium; P, phosphorous.

Selecting an Energy or Protein Supplement

Evaluate the feed on a cost per pound (lb) of nutrient basis.


2000 lb per ton x % DM x % TDN = lb TDN

$ per ton / lb TDN = $ per lb TDN

2000 lb per ton x % DM x % CP = lb CP

$ per ton / lb CP = $ per lb CP


Feed Type  

2000 lb per ton x (% DM) x (% TDN) = (lb TDN)

($ per ton) / (lb TDN) = ($ per lb TDN)

2000 lb per ton x (% DM) x (% CP) = (lb CP)

($ per ton) / (lb CP) = ($ per lb TDN)

Bulk Density of Commodities

The following table provides density estimations for storage considerations:

Commodity Pounds per cubic foot
Broiler litter 42
Citrus pulp, loose 20
Citrus pulp, pelleted 45
Corn, shelled 45
Corn gluten feed 33
Cottonseed meal 38
Dried Distiller's Grains 18
Hominy 28
Oats, grain 26
Peanut hulls, loose 7
Peanut skins 11
Rice bran 20
Soybean hulls, loose 28
Soybean hulls, pelleted 40
Wet Distiller's Grains 40
Wheat middlings 30
Whole cottonseed 25

†Based on standard, dry storage moisture content; ‡Sources: Kammel (1991); Rankins, unpublished data, 2013

Prepared by Kim Mullenix, Extension Beef Systems Specialist, and Jack Tatum, Animal Science and Forage Regional Extension Agent, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, MKM-14-4.